Privacy Policy and Legal Notices
On this website, Green Sage Media, we will only collect information about you that you voluntarily and directly submit. This may be via our newsletter subscription form or the contact form.
We will always respect your privacy. Any information that you provide here will only be used by us and will never be released to any other party in any way.
We will never sell or share any information that you provide through this site with anyone else. We will only use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us.
Unless you ask us not to by unsubscribing to our newsletter, you may receive an occasional message from us to provide information directly related to the content and purpose of this website, such as newsletters, updates, specials, or other information that we feel would be useful and beneficial to you.
If you become our client, we guarantee the confidentiality of any and all company information deemed necessary to remain as such by you.